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单位所在地区:中国大陆-江苏 | 单位行业:能源/环保 | 单位规模:20-99人

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长三角水务研究院(DWI)是由国家级新区 – 南京江北新区和南京信息工程大学院地共建的一家面向城市水务、水利与环境信息化与智能化应用研究院与孵化器。研究院联合南京信息工程大学、同济大学、柏林工大、阿德莱德大学等高校联合建立了全国最先进的室内外智慧水务实验与测试平台,拥有数字传感器、数据通讯、软件与算法、智能制造与机器人、水文气象、可视化六个研究团队、上百名国内外知名教授学者,从事国际前沿的智慧水务研究,并进行科研成果转化。研究院也是国内第一家智慧水务领域的高新技术企业孵化器。
Delta Water Institute (DWI), whose main competency is sensor and software development and engineering consulting in the fields of water and environment, is founded by worldwide renowned experts and scholars connected with Nanjing University of Information Sciences and Technology (NUIST), aiming at development of smart water technologies, in collaboration with Nanjing Jiangbei High-tech District. DWI owns the most advanced water laboratory, perform edge-cutting research, and conduct multidisciplinary technology transfer for smart water industry.  It is also an incubator for high-tech start-ups for smart water industry.

研究院专业从事水务领域传感器、 物联网、算法与软件,智能装备和管网机器人的研发,为城市管网提供软硬件结合的智能解决方案。公司目前拥有市政给排水、水文水资源、地下水与环保等四个产品领域,覆盖数据采集(监测)、大数据(数据库/GIS)、数据分析(模拟优化)和系统控制等四个关键技术环节。产品应用领域包括给排水管网的设计与运行优化、给排水管网渗漏管理、合流制系统优化、城市内涝管理、洪水预报与风险管理、地下水污染源分析、地下水修复过程监测与模拟,环保监测等等。
The research fields of DWI include sensor and IoT technology, software development, big-data and cloud computing, automation and robots for water industry. We provide integrated solution from monitoring, modelling, optimization and system control for different water and environmental system. DWI has established 4 product lines including the urban water, groundwater, surface water and environment field. The applications range from optimization of water supply system planning and operation, leakage management, sewer system optimization for urban flooding and combined overflow control, flood forecasting and risk management, groundwater pollution control and remediation process modelling, etc.

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