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  简历名称:Resume in English in detail(英语)          
Huirong "Hebe" Li

	Electrical Engineering PhD with 4+ years’ experience in semiconductor fabrication and plasma engineering.
	Solid background in semiconductor processing, low pressure plasma physics and engineering.
	Manipulated the high vacuum system design.  Trained at failure detection procedures for the vacuum system.
	Excellent hands-on skills in clean-room wafer fabrication techniques. 
	Demonstrated exceptional ability at designing, building, and testing systems.  Strong laboratory practices.
	Been proven at multiphysics simulation software COMSOL and finite element analysis as the numerical method. 
	Highly motivated and interested in the field of plasma engineering; willing to learn and take up responsibility and comfortable working individually and with a team.

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering											May 2014
Auburn University, Auburn, AL														GPA = 4.0/4.0
Bachelor of Engineering in Microelectronics												July 2009
Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzho...
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