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电子科技大学 面向海内外公开选拔学院院长的公告
企业规模:1000-9999人 企业所在地区:中国大陆 - 四川
截止日期:2020-4-10 最低工作年限:不限
招聘人数:若干 最低学历:硕士
月薪:面议 工作地点:成都


University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of China. UESTC was included as one of the first universities into "Project 211" in 1997, and then the nation's “Project 985” in 2001. In 2017, UESTC was included in Category A of the “World-class University” project. After more than sixty years of development, UESTC now has evolved into a key multidisciplinary university covering all-around programs in electronic disciplines with electronic science and technology as its nucleus, engineering as its major field and a harmonious integration of science, engineering, management, liberal arts and medical science.


To accelerate our development of “World Class University with Chinese Characteristics”, we now offer the following positions for international application:

一、招聘岗位 (一)材料与能源学院院长 (二)公共管理学院院长

1.Positions (1)Dean of the School of Materials and Energy (2)Dean of the School of Public Affairs and Administration

二、应聘条件 (一)具有研究生学历或者博士学位。 (二)一般应当具有五年以上工作经历。 (三)应当具有正高级专业技术职务或具有海外知名大学、研究机构相当于教授的专业技术职务;在本学科领域学术造诣深厚,取得公认的学术成就,有较好的学术声誉,对相关学科领域的建设具有战略性构想和创新性思维。 (四)熟悉高等教育规律,了解国内外高等教育状况,具有高校或研究机构管理工作经历。 (五)热爱高等教育事业,具有良好的个人品质、职业道德、创新意识和团队精神。 (六)身体健康,年龄一般应当未满50周岁(具有特别学术影响力者年龄可适当放宽)。 (七)任职期间须全职在我校工作。 (八)按照有关规定,校内未满任职试用期或者提拔任职不满一年的中层领导人员,不能参加本次公开选拔。

2. Qualifications (1)Post-graduate education background or PhD degree. (2)Five years’ related work experience is preferred (3)Full professor, or equivalent to a tenure professorship or research position in a high-level world famous university or research institute or enterprise. He/she should be acknowledged in the related field with academic achievement and reputation. He/she should also demonstrate strategic conception and creativity in advancing the disciplinary research. (4)Familiar with higher education, understand the current situation of higher education both domestic and abroad with experience in administration within universities or research institutions. (5)Willing to be devoted the cause of higher education with good morality, professional ethics, sense of innovation and team spirit. (6)Good physical health, under 50 years old. (Age requirement is negotiable for applicants with significant academic influence). (7)Able to work full-time in UESTC during the contract term. (8)In accordance with the relevant regulations, UESTC internal applicants serving less than one year or in the probation period for a newly promoted position are not eligible as application candidate.

三、报名方式 (一)报名方式:校内人员将纸质报名材料提交到组织部干部科(清水河校区B2-803),电子版发送至邮箱;校外人员可通过函寄或电子邮件报名方式向组织部(或人力资源部)报名。 (二)报名材料: 1.《电子科技大学公开选拔院长报名表》(见附件,电子版提交签名版扫描件),每人限报一个岗位。 2.校外人员还需提交下列材料: (1)近五年来的学术成果清单和代表性成果的电子版或复印件。 (2)身份证或护照、最高学历和学位证书以及现任专业技术职务、职级证明、获奖证明等的电子版或复印件。 (3)2-3名同行知名学者的推荐信及联系方式。 3.报名截止时间:2020年3月31日17:00前。

3.Application documents (1)Submission: Internal applicants of UESTC should submit the paper documents to the Organization Department directly together with the electronic version sent by email. External applicants should contact the Organization Department or the Human Resources Department by mail or e-mail. (2)Required documents: 1)The application form for UESTC Dean Positions (see the attached file, the applicant should submit a scanned copy with one’s signature in electronic version), and each applicant is limited to one position. 2)The applicant outside the university is also required to submit the following materials: ①An electronic version or photocopy of the list of academic achievements and representative achievements over the last five years. ②A photocopy of identity card or passport, the highest academic degree certificate, and the current professional and technical position/rank certificate, and award certificate, etc. ③Recommendation letters from 2-3 well-known scholars with contact information. 3)Application deadline: 17:00 March 31, 2020

四、工作程序 (一)个人报名 (二)资格审查 学校评审组审核材料,确定候选人名单。 (三)召开见面会 候选人作15分钟以内的个人陈述,内容包括个人基本情况、对岗位的理解与认识、工作设想、廉洁自律等内容。 (四)候选人与评委交流 (五)确定干部选任方式,开展考察、公示、聘任(或任命)等干部选拔任用其它程序

4.Procedures (1)Personal application (2)Qualification check: The review board will examine materials to confirm the list of valid candidates. (3)Interview: Candidates make personal statements within 15 minutes, including basic personal information, understanding of the position, work plan, integrity and self-discipline etc. (4)Candidates’ conference with evaluation committee. (5)Completion of recruitment procedures, such as inspection, public announcement, appointment, etc.

五、薪酬待遇 学校提供与学术业绩、岗位职责相对应的薪酬待遇,岗位职责及具体待遇,按相关规定或双方签订的合同执行。

5.Salary and compensation The university provides remuneration that matches the academic performance and responsibilities of the position. The responsibilities and compensation of the position shall be specified in the contract.

六、联系方式 通讯地址:四川省成都市高新西区西源大道2006号电子科技大学党委组织部干部科(清水河校区B2-803) 邮 编:611731 传 真:(028)61831108 联系人及联系方式: 吴钊阳(028)61831108 邮箱:gbk@uestc.edu.cn(组织部) 陈 希(028)61830385 邮箱:talents@uestc.edu.cn(人力资源部)

Correspondence: the Organization Department(Room NO.: Main Building B2-803), University of Electronic Science and technology, No. 2006, Xiyuan Avenue, West Hi-tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan Postal code: 611731 Fax: (028)61831108 Contacts: Wu Zhaoyang, Tel:(028)61831108, E-Mail:gbk@uestc.edu.cn (Organization Department of UESTC) Chen Xi, Tel: (028)61830385, E-Mail:talents@uestc.edu.cn (Human Resources Department of UESTC)

纪委监督电话:(028)61830237 邮箱:jjs@uestc.edu.cn

Supervision hotline of the Discipline Inspection Commission: Tel: (028)61830237, E-Mail: jjs@uestc.edu.cn

The Application Form for UESTC D  
* 请您在应聘材料上标明,此职位的信息来源于rencai8.com。
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  职位名称 企业名称 工作地点 发布日期
3龙腾新高度 | 西湖大学全球学术人才招聘西湖大学杭州2024-02-02
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