最低学历:博士 月薪:面议 最低工作年限:不限
招聘人数:若干 截止日期:2020-5-31 工作所在地:合肥
安徽农业大学坐落于安徽省省会合肥,是一所办学历史悠久、以农林生命学科为优势和特色 的省政府与原农业部、国家林草局合作共建高校。是全国首批建设“新农村发展研究院”的十所高校之一,是“中西部高校基础能力建设工程”项目高校和安徽省“特色高水平”大学重点建设高校。学校源于1928年成立的省立安徽大学,1935年成立农学院,1954年独立办学,1995年更名为安徽农业大学。现有 1个国家重点实验室、1个国家地方联合工程实验室、1个国际合作联合实验室、45个省部级科研平台、2个省级“2011协同创新中心”、1个省级重点智库、1个省级产业共性技术研究院,1个教育部“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”创新团队、9 个省“115”产业创新团队,和 7个省级高校科研平台创新团队。在相关领域知名学者领衔下,安徽农业大学正全力建设生物质分子工程中心,面向全球招聘高层次人才。

生物质分子工程中心 (Biomass Molecular Engineering Center BMEC) 是安徽农业大学重点打造的面向一流的创新团队(http://bmec.ahau.edu.cn),专注于生物质利用可持续研究。利用创新研究方法将可再生的农林生物质转化为有价值化学品、聚合物、材料和能源。BMEC对不同生物质构筑的关键性挑战问题具有广泛兴趣。这些生物质包括纤维素、木质素、多糖等生物高分子和植物油、酸类、酯类等分子生物质。生物质分子工程中心位于新落成的安徽农业大学工程科学楼,建成了面向21世纪的科研平台,现已引进2个PI 团队。中心将进一步在以下研究方向(不限于)引进10 余名高层次人才:


生物质分子工程中心对教授和副教授申请人提供有竞争力的启动经费和薪资,欢迎海内外专 家青年学者前来咨询、应聘。具体人才分类及薪酬待遇按照安徽农业大学相关政策如下:安 徽农业大学引进高层次人才(团队)实施办法,一人一策,中心另外提供平台设施和激励机制。

电邮:search.bmec@ahau.edu.cn; search_bmec@163.com 

Faculty Search on Biomass Chemistry and Engineering @ Anhui Agricultural University
Located in Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province of China, Anhui Agricultural University (AHAU) is a higher education institution, with a long and rich history specializing in agriculture and forestry. It is supported by the Anhui provincial government, jointly with China Ministry of Agriculture and China Bureau of Forestry. Currently AHAU has 19 colleges and schools, with a full-time enrollment of over 21,000 students, of whom more than 3,000 are postgraduates. Among the 1,766 staff, about 700 are professors and associate professors. AHAU has one state key laboratory, one national engineering laboratory, one international joint laboratory, and 45 provincial key laboratories, two provincial “2011” collaborative innovation centers, one provincial key think tank, one provincial institute of industrial technology, one innovation team under the “Yangtze River Scholar and Innovative Team Development Plan” supported by China Ministry of Education, Biomass Molecular Engineering Center (BMEC): AHAU establishes an interdisciplinary research center to promote sustainable research in various aspects of biomass utilization (http://bmec.ahau.edu.cn). The mission is to transform renewable natural products into valuable chemicals, polymers, materials and energy via innovative research, to provide high-quality graduate education, and to foster interdisciplinary collaboration via attracting talent scholars around the world. BMEC is aimed to form interdisciplinary research groups that have expertise in chemistry, polymer science, synthetic biology and materials engineering. BMEC has a broad interest in tackling key challenges involving a diverse profile of biomass including biopolymers such as cellulose, lignin, polysaccharide, molecular biomass such as plant oils, terpenes, acids, esters. BMEC is particularly interested in hiring scholars with expertise in the following areas: (1) Biobased polymers and bioinspired materials; (2) Biobased nanomaterials; (3) Chemical catalysis and synthetic biology of biomass; (4) Biofuels, biodiesels and platform chemicals. BMEC@AHAU provides highly competitive start-up packages and salary to candidates at both Professor and Associate Professor levels. Review of applications will start immediately until positions filled. Please send applications and inquiries to Prof. Wang (email preferred): E-mail: search.bmec@ahau.edu.cn; search_bmec@163.com; Telephone: +86-18555695403

* 请您在应聘材料上标明,此职位的信息来源于rencai8.com。

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  职位名称 公司名称 工作地点 发布日期
3龙腾新高度 | 西湖大学全球学术人才招聘西湖大学杭州2024-02-02
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