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诚邀全球英才参加 2017年郑州大学青年学者国际论坛
企业规模:1000-9999人 企业所在地区:中国大陆 - 河南
截止日期:2018-7-11 最低工作年限:不限
招聘人数:若干 最低学历:博士
月薪:面议 工作地点:郑州
一、论坛简介 郑州大学青年学者国际论坛将于2017年12月15日至18日在郑州举办。本次论坛围绕建设世界一流的综合性研究型大学,聚焦学术前沿及科研热点,汇聚海内外优秀青年学者,通过专题报告、学术研讨、实地考察等形式,搭建学术交流平台和成果展示舞台,促进交流合作,增进对郑州大学的全面了解。 诚邀全球英才参加郑州大学青年学者国际论坛! 二、学科领域 本次论坛围绕肿瘤防治与转化医学、资源材料、绿色催化3个学科(群)建设与发展,涉及: 基础医学、临床医学、药学、材料科学、冶金工程、物理学、化学、化学工程与技术等领域。 所涉及学科领域中,有临床医学、材料科学与工程、化学3个“双一流”重点建设学科,有凝聚态物理、材料加工工程、有机化学、化学工艺、病理学与病理生理学5个国家重点(培育)学科;化学、材料科学、临床医学、工程学、药理学与毒理学5个学科(领域)ESI排名全球前1%,化学、临床医学ESI排名进入全球前3‰。 三、论坛设置 设置1个主论坛和肿瘤防治与转化医学、资源材料、绿色催化3个分论坛。 四、日程安排 12月15日(周五)全天:报到 12月16日(周六)上午:主论坛 12月16日(周六)下午:分论坛 12月17日(周日)上午:分论坛 12月17日(周日)下午:考察交流 12月18日(周一)全天:返程 五、申请条件 申请人学风严谨,遵守法纪及职业道德规范,符合下列条件之一: 1.青年千人、青年长江、国家优青获得者,或上述三类项目进入会评者; 2.年龄40周岁以下,取得国内外知名大学博士学位,具有广阔的学术视野和创新思维,在所从事领域已取得突出的学术业绩,获得同行的高度认可,具备成为学科领军人才的潜质。 六、申请流程 1.报名:符合条件的海内外青年学者请于2017年11月15日前将《郑州大学“青年学者国际论坛”报名表》发送至郑州大学高层次人才工作办公室工作邮箱rcb@zzu.edu.cn,邮件主题请按以下格式注明(青年学者论坛报名+学科+姓名)。 2.邀请:受邀学者将于2017年11月20日前收到我校的邀请函,请及时查收报名时使用的邮箱。 3.回执:受邀者请于2017年11月25日前填写回执并反馈至rcb@zzu.edu.cn邮箱。 七、特别说明 1.本次论坛不收取注册费用,学校将为参会的青年学者报销国内外往返交通旅费,并统一安排免费食宿,提供机场、火车站接送服务。 2.在收到论坛正式邀请函之后,请受邀学者自行规划行程并垫付旅费,到会后学校将报销国内外交通旅费。 八、联系方式 联系单位:郑州大学高层次人才工作办公室 联 系 人:常老师 联系电话:+86-371-67781087 联系邮箱:rcb@zzu.edu.cn 地 址:中国郑州,高新技术产业开发区科学大道100号,450001 九、郑州大学简介 郑州大学是国家“211工程”重点建设高校、“一省一校”国家重点支持建设高校、河南省人民政府与教育部共建高校。2017年9月进入国家世界一流大学建设高校行列。站在新的历史起点上,学校确立了综合性研究型的办学定位,提出了一流大学建设“三步走”发展战略,力争到本世纪中叶建成世界一流综合性研究型大学。 学校校本部现有47个院系,113个本科专业;设有哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学、艺术学12大学科门类;拥有橡塑模具国家工程研究中心、互联网医疗国家工程实验室、国家钙镁磷复合肥技术研究推广中心、重大基础设施检测修复技术国家地方联合工程实验室、国家药物安全性评价研究中心、国家领土主权与海洋权益协同创新中心(协同单位);拥有微纳成型技术、细胞与基因治疗、低碳环保材料智能设计、癌症化学预防等4个国家级国际联合研究中心;拥有2个国家药品临床研究基地,1个国家知识产权培训基地。 学校大力实施人才强校战略,按照“高端突破、团队集成、青年培育、结构优化”的思路,实施学科特聘教授计划,汇聚学术大师;实施青年拔尖人才培养计划、职称直聘制度,努力营造青年人成长成才的良好环境,推进人才代际交替;形成了一支以院士和学术大师为引领,以“杰青”、“长江”、“千人”等为学术带头人,青年博士为骨干的人才队伍。学校将进一步加大高层次人才引进和服务力度,大力改善高层次人才工作生活条件,在薪酬待遇、住房安家、平台建设、科研经费等方面予以全方位有力支持。 郑州大学世界一流大学建设,承载着中原大地经济社会现代化发展的呼唤,承载着河南亿万人民享受优质高等教育的期盼,承载着地方大学由大变强的重托,承载着中原崛起、民族复兴的意志,全体郑大人将坚持扎根中原大地办大学,秉持求是,勇敢担当,立足河南,面向全国,放眼世界,强力推动世界一流综合性研究型大学建设。 诚邀海内外优秀青年学者加盟郑州大学,共创世界一流! Ⅰ. Brief Introduction to the Forum The 2017 Zhengzhou University International Forum for Young Scholars will be held from 15th to 18th December, 2017. The forum will gather together excellent domestic and overseas young scholars to focus on academic frontiers, hot issues in scientific research and on the construction of a first-class comprehensive research-oriented university. In order to enhance international exchanges and cooperation and to promote an overall understanding of ZZU, this forum will establish a platform for academic exchanges and display of achievements through activities such as reports, seminars and campus visits. Welcome the world’s talents to 2017 ZZU International Forum for Young Scholars! Ⅱ. Disciplines This forum will mainly discuss the construction and development of the three fields of Cancer Prevention, Treatment and Translation Medicine, Resource Materials and Green Catalysis, as seen in such disciplines as Preclinical Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Pharmacy, Material Science, Metallurgical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Technology. Among the above disciplines, three are among the “double first-class” ones, namely, Preclinical Medicine, Material Science and Engineering, and Chemistry. There are also five national key ones, namely, the Condensed Matter Physics, Material Processing Engineering, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Technology, Pathology and Pathophysiology. Moreover, five disciplines (or fields) have ranked top 1% in ESI ranking in the world: Chemistry, Material Science, Clinical Medicine, Engineering, Pathology and Pathophysiology. Chemistry and Clinical Medicine have ranked top 3‰ in ESI ranking in the world. Ⅲ. Forum Setting This forum includes one main forum and three sub-forums: the Sub-forum of Cancer Prevention, Treatment and Translation Medicine, the Sub-forum of Resource Materials and the Sub-forum of Green Catalysis. Ⅳ. Agenda December 15, 2017, Friday: arrival and registration December 16, 2017, Saturday morning: main forum December 16, 2017, Saturday afternoon: sub-forum December 17, 2017, Sunday morning: sub-forum December 17, 2017, Sunday afternoon: campus visits December 18, 2017, Monday: departure Ⅴ. Application Requirements Applicants should be active in research and compliant with laws, regulations and profession ethics. One of the following requirements should be fulfilled. 1.The applicant should be either the winner of “1000-talent Plan”, “the Yangtze River Scholars Program”, “the Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars” or be a candidate of one of these competitions. 2.The applicant should be a PhD degree holder under the age of 40, who graduated from a famous university at home or abroad, able to demonstrate extensive academic views and innovative thinking. The applicant shall have made outstanding academic accomplishments and earned high recognitions in his research field, thus having the potential to develop into a leading talent. Ⅵ. Application Procedure 1. Application: the eligible scholar shall have sent his Application for ZZU International Forum for Young Scholars to rcb@zzu.edu.cn of ZZU High-level Talents Office by November 15, 2017, with the email subject complying with the following format: “Application for ZZU International Forum for Young Scholars + Discipline + Name”. 2. Invitation: the scholars once invited will have received the invitation letter from ZZU by November 20, 2017. 3. Receipt: the invited scholar shall have filled in the receipt and send it to rcb@zzu.edu.cn before November 25, 2017. Ⅶ. Notes 1. No registration fee is charged for this forum, and ZZU will reimburse the invited scholars for travelling expenses, meanwhile providing free accommodation and shuttle services to and from the airport and railway station. 2. After receiving the official letter of invitation, the scholar has to make sure of his schedule and pay for his/her travelling fees which will be reimbursed by ZZU upon his arrival at the forum. Ⅷ. Contact Information Contact office: ZZU High-level Talents Office Contact person: Teacher Chang Telephone: + 86-371-67781087 E-mailbox: rcb@zzu.edu.cn Address: No.100 Science Avenue, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, P. R. China. Postcode: 450001 Zhengzhou University, as one of the “211 Project” key universities in China, is not only supported by “one province, one university” program but also co-sponsored by the Henan Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education. In September 2017, Zhengzhou University succeeded in becoming one of those to be developed into the world’s first-class higher institutions. At a new historic starting point, ZZU sets the aim of becoming a comprehensive research-oriented university. By taking a “3-step”strategy, the university will strive to realize the aim before the middle of this century. Zhengzhou University has 47 faculties, offering 113 undergraduate programs and 12 major disciplines which are Philosophy, Economics, Law, Education, Literature, History, Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Management and Art. The university has the National Rubber-plastic Mould Engineering Research Center, the Internet Medical Care and National Engineering Laboratory, the National Technological Research and Promotion Center of Calcium Magnesium Phosphate Compound Fertilizer, the National-Local-Joint Engineering Laboratory for Measuring and Repairing Major Infrastructures, the National Research Center for Drug Safety Evaluation, the National Collaborative Innovation Center of Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights and Interest. There are also the four state-based international joint research centers, that is, the Micro-nano Molding Technology Center, the International Joint Research Center of Cellular and Gene Therapy, the International Collaborative Research Center for Intelligent Design of Low Carbon Environmental Protection Materials and the International Collaborative Research Center for Cancer Chemo-prevention. Along with them are the two National Research Bases for Drug Clinical Research and one National Training Base for Intellectual Property. By implementing the strategy of strengthening the university by talents, Zhengzhou University, following the principle of “high-end offering, teamwork cooperation, talent development and structural optimization”, has gathered renowned experts as “Distinguished Professors”. The Top-notch Young Talent Program and the Direct Engagement System are for a better environment in which young scholars can progress quickly to fill in the gap between the old and the young generation. An academic team has thus been built, with the academicians and renowned experts at the top, the young scholars supported by the “Distinguishing Young Talents Program”, “the Yangtze River Scholars Program” and the “1000-Talent Plan” as the academic leaders, and with the young doctoral degree holders as the backbones. In addition, the university will spare no efforts in bringing in more talents, improving their living and working conditions and providing a comprehensive and strong support in the aspects of remuneration, housing, platform construction and research funding. Zhengzhou University aims to be first-class in the world, which is in accordance with the social and economic development of the Central Plains, with the expectations of the hundreds of millions of Henan natives to enjoy quality higher education, with the trust of making this local university better and stronger, and with the belief in the rising of Central China and the great renaissance of the Chinese nation. Locating itself in the Central Plains, Zhengzhou University, by upholding the principle of truth-seeking, will assume the responsibility and strive to keep up with the best universities in China and learn from the top ones in the world so as to build itself into the world’s first-class comprehensive and research-oriented university. We sincerely invite the outstanding young scholars from home and abroad to join us to make Zhengzhou University first-class in the world.
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3龙腾新高度 | 西湖大学全球学术人才招聘西湖大学杭州2024-02-02
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