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南开国际人才论坛 之 “2018国际青年化学家南开论坛”通知
企业规模:1000-9999人 企业所在地区:中国大陆 - 天津
截止日期:2018-7-15 最低工作年限:不限
招聘人数:若干 最低学历:博士
月薪:面议 工作地点:天津
“2018国际青年化学家南开论坛”将于2018年4月20至23日在南开大学举行。本次论坛的主题覆盖所有化学前沿领域,以及材料化学、能源化学、环境化学、化学生物学等领域。 论坛参加者为已获得化学或相关学科博士学位,且有海外科研工作经历,并做出突出成绩的青年学者。有意参会者请于3月20日之前通过邮件提交申请,申请材料包括中英文简历、发表论文目录、5篇代表性论文。 会务组将对申请材料进行遴选,通过遴选的申请人将在3月20日前收到正式邀请函。 主办方统一安排会议期间的食宿(免费);同时为参会者提供差旅补助(海外学者最高1500美元),请自订机票,并保留登机牌。 申请材料请寄:韩宁(邮箱: nkchem@nankai.edu.cn,电话86-22-23500201)。 论坛主席:陈军院士 论坛秘书:孙平川教授 南开大学 天津化学化工协同创新中心 2018年1月 提示: 1.中文简历中请标明出生年月; 2.发表论文目录中请将以第一作者或通讯联系人身份发表的论文与其他合著论文分开,均按发表时间逆序排列。
我们热诚欢迎国内外学者加盟南开大学化学学院。学院将给予全力支持,具体待遇和支持条件面谈。 招聘领域: 化学所有研究领域,以及材料化学、环境化学、能源化学、化学生物学等领域。 招聘对象: (1)已经在国外知名高校、研究机构取得教授、副教授等终身职位;在国内高校、研究机构工作并且获得“长江学者奖励计划”、“国家杰出青年基金”、“国家千人计划”等计划项目支持的教授、副教授。年龄不超过50周岁。 (2)已经获得“青年千人”、“青年长江学者”、“国家优秀青年基金”等计划项目支持的教授、副教授。年龄不超过38周岁。 (3)在国内外知名高校、研究机构做博士后研究3年以上,学术成绩突出的博士。年龄不超过35周岁。 应聘者请将个人简历、科研工作小结和拟开展的研究计划寄送至化学学院人事工作邮箱(nkchem@nankai.edu.cn);联系人:韩宁;电话:+86 (22) 2350 0201。 支持政策 ※ 高端人才岗位(全职到岗工作) 1.学校提供年薪人民币约70-120万元(税前)。 2.住房补贴和安家费60-300万元。 3.科研启动费200-800万元。 ※ 青年学术带头人岗位(全职到岗工作) 1.国家“青年千人计划”入选者、“万人计划”青年拔尖人才、“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者、国家“优秀青年基金”获得者年薪约60-70万元(税前);其他入选者年薪约40-50万元(税前)。 2.住房补贴和安家费60-140万元。 3.科研启动费200-500万元。 4.100平米的实验用房。 5.每年优先提供博士后、博士与硕士研究生的招收名额,为完成研究任务提供保障。 6.解决子女入托、入学,帮助解决配偶工作。 7.提供周转住房。 特别突出的优秀拔尖人才可以就相关待遇和特殊需求面议。
Call for Speakers for 2018 “International Youth Chemists Forum” at Nankai University
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 2018 International Youth Chemists Forum at Nankai University, which will be held on April 20-23th of 2018 in Tianjin, China. The topics of the forum cover all conventional areas of chemistry, as well as material science, energy chemistry, environmental chemistry, and chemical biology. Application for speaking at this forum is now open with the due date of March 20th, 2018. Applicants shall possess a PhD degree in chemistry or related areas granted by prestigious universities, formal research experience in prestigious overseas universities or institutions, and an excellent research record. All applicants please send your application package through email to Miss Ning Han (nkchem@nankai.edu.cn) before March 20th. Please note that the application package should include a tentative title of your talk, both Chinese and English CV with a full list of publications, 5 representative publications and your contact information. We will contact you by March 20th if your application is accepted or if we have any questions. The invited speakers will be reimbursed (up to 1500 USD) for international airfares to and from Tianjin, accommodations and meals at Nankai University. For any questions, please contact Miss Ning Han (email: nkchem@nankai.edu.cn; phone: +86-22-23500201). Thanks for your interest in this forum and we look forward to seeing you this spring at Nankai. Organizing Committee Chairman Prof. Jun Chen Coordinator Prof. Pingchuan Sun Faculty Positions in All Areas of Chemistry College of Chemistry, Nankai University, China The College of Chemistry at Nankai University is seeking outstanding candidates for multiple faculty positions in all areas of chemistry at different levels. The newly recruited faculty will be supported with competitive salary and benefits. The startup packages will be negotiated individually. Areas of Interest All areas of chemistry, including material chemistry, energy chemistry, environmental chemistry, chemical biology. Candidate qualifications 1) Tenured associate and full professors at well-known universities and research institutes abroad; recipients of “Cheung Kong Scholar”, “China National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”, “National Thousand Talents Program” and other high-level talent programs, under the age of 50. 2) Recipients of “The National Thousand Young Talents”, “Cheung Kong Young Scholar”, “China National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars” and other high-level young talent programs, under the age of 38. 3) Postdoctoral researchers with strong publication record and more than three year’s postdoctoral research experience in internationally well-known universities and research institutes, under the age of 35. Application instructions Applicants should submit their curriculum vitae, summary of research experience, and future research plan to nkchem@nankai.edu.cn. Contact for inquires: Miss Ning Han, telephone: 86-22-2350-0201.
* 请您在应聘材料上标明,此职位的信息来源于rencai8.com。
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3龙腾新高度 | 西湖大学全球学术人才招聘西湖大学杭州2024-02-02
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