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企业规模:10000人以上 企业所在地区:中国大陆 - 湖北
截止日期:2014-11-30 最低工作年限:不限
招聘人数:若干 最低学历:博士
月薪:面议 工作地点:武汉

武汉大学第二届国际交叉学科论坛公告 2014年12月28-30日,武汉 举办方: 武汉大学

1. 论坛介绍 武汉大学国际交叉学科论坛,旨在为海内外青年学者提供一个思想碰撞和学术交流的平台,推进学科交叉和协同创新,共谋未来发展。 武汉大学牵头的“地球空间信息科学协同创新中心”、“国家领土主权与海洋权益协同创新中心”,协作共建的“司法文明协同创新中心”入选国家高等学校创新能力提升计划(“2011计划”),还组建了高等研究院、医学研究院等多个交叉学科研究机构,努力为海内外青年学者搭建高起点的学术科研平台。 竭诚欢迎海内外青年才俊聚集珞珈山,为武汉大学发展建设献策出力。 2. 申请条件 年龄在40岁以下;具有海外知名大学博士学位,或具有国内博士学位、并在海外工作2年以上;在自然科学、工程技术、生物医学、人文科学和社会科学等领域取得一定成绩或具有发展潜力的海内外优秀青年人才。 3. 申请时间 在线申请开始时间:2014年10月9日 请登录:http://rsbservice.whu.edu.cn/forum/ 提交申请 申请截至时间:2014年11月9日 受邀者将于11月30日前收到主办方的参会邀请邮件,欢迎青年学者踊跃报名、咨询相关细节。 4. 日程安排 报到时间:2014年12月28日 论坛报告交流时间:2014年12月29日-30日 5. 差旅与住宿 主办方统一安排食宿(免费);受邀请参会的青年学者自订机票,主办单位提供最高每人1万元人民币国际差旅补助。 6. 联系方式 电话: +86-27-68752841,+86-27-68754199 传真: +86-27-68754199 Email: ruicai@whu.edu.cn 联系人:蔡 瑞,手机:+86-18986189552 郭滢滢,手机:+86-13659867861 如青年学者对电子制造及机械工程相关学科感兴趣,也可与刘胜教授联系(victor_liu63@126.com)。

Wuhan University International Forum for Interdisciplinary Sciences and Engineering December 28 – 30, 2014 Wuhan, China Organizer: Wuhan University

1.About the Forum Wuhan University International Forum for Interdisciplinary Sciences and Engineering is providing a platform for prominent young talents at home and abroad to enhance brainstorming and cross-disciplinary exchange, and advance interdisciplinary sciences and collaborative innovation, with the goal to explore the frontier issues in sciences and build a sustainable future for our society. Wuhan University has launched the “Collaborative Innovation Center for Geospatial Technology”, the “Collaborative Innovation Center for Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights”, and the “Center of Cooperative Innovation for Judicial Civilization”, which are honored the innovation improvement program in national higher education institutions (“2011” program). Some interdisciplinary research institutions/platforms have been established, such as Institute for Advanced Research and Institute of Medicine, Cross-disciplinary Platform for Engineering Sciences, striving for establishing high-level academic research platforms for young scholars at home and abroad. 2. Requirements for Applicants The forum is open to overseas researchers (under the age of 40) who have received a doctoral degree from internationally renowned universities abroad or received a doctoral degree from domestic universities with 2-year overseas working experience; Overseas young scholars with good achievements or potentials for science, engineering, biomedical science, humanities and social science etc. The forum is also highly interested in foreign nationals without Chinese origin, with the goal to make the future Wuhan University more international. 3. Application process On-line application starts from October 9, 2014. Please register and submit your application at: http://rsbservice.whu.edu.cn/forum/index.shtml, if you are interested in it, but unfamiliar with Chinese, you can log in http://pluto.whu.edu.cn/forum/application_en.jsp The selection process will be finished by November 9, 2014 Invited young scholars will receive an email from the forum’s organizer with further details before November 30, 2014. Young scholars are highly welcome to apply and welcome to send your inquiry either by phones or email. 4. Schedule December 28: Check-in December 29 - 30: Opening Ceremony, Invited speeches and Presentations by Young Scholars 5. Traveling and Accommodation The forum organizer will provide board and lodging during the forum (free of charge). All invited young scholars should book and pay for their air-tickets first. Up to 10,000 RMB Yuan international travel reimbursement is available to each invited participant. 6. Contact Information Phone: +86-27-68752841,+86-27-68754199 Fax: +86-27-68754199 Email: ruicai@whu.edu.cn Contact: Rui Cai, Tel: +86-18986189552 Yingying Guo, Tel: +86-13659867861 The interested young scholars with interests in electronic manufacturing and mechanics may also contact Professor Sheng Liu at victor_liu63@126.com. 学校简介: 武汉大学是中华人民共和国教育部直属的重点综合性大学,是国家“985工程”和“211工程”重点建设高校。武汉大学具有120年历史,拥有中国最美的校园。 学科门类齐全、综合性强、特色明显,涵盖了哲、经、法、教育、文、史、理、工、农、医、管理、艺术等12个学科门类。名师荟萃,英才云集,现有8位中国科学院院士、8位中国工程院院士、9位人文社科资深教授、22位“973项目”(含国家重大基础研究计划)首席科学家、6位“863项目”计划领域专家、5个国家创新研究群体、59位长江学者、45位国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、15位国家级教学名师。科研实力雄厚,成就卓著,有5个国家重点实验室、2个国家工程技术研究中心、7个教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地等。
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3龙腾新高度 | 西湖大学全球学术人才招聘西湖大学杭州2024-02-02
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